For this blog, I reviewed two fellow classmates' blogs I have not yet commented on: James' blog on PR Newswire releases he finds interesting and Kevin Mahoney's blog on Social Media PR.
The thing that I liked most about James' blog is how he brings in other students' views even when he is writing on a specific topic and not commenting on other people's blogs. He brings in other students' views and uses what they wrote to strengthen what he wrote. He did this for his post on unobtrusive research and I thought the other student perspective really added to the blog. I had never thought to do this before, but it makes a lot of sense to include fellow classmates' views in the posts rather than just focusing on what is done professionally. In James' most recent blog, he wrote about Qualitative Research in Nike Soccer. Sports seems to be an area of focus he uses often in his blog and like I have said before when reviewing a sports blog, I do not know much about the field so I find sports blogs to be interesting reads. This blog is the first one I have looked at so far out of my classmates that has reviewed a YouTube video instead of an article or story. I think this is a neat idea and definitely one I may try in the future to bring a different feature to my readers. I recommend reading James' blog because he really grapples with the information he's writing about, makes an effort to bring in different sources like press releases, other students and YouTube videos and overall he writes in an interesting way.
Kevin's blog was also a great read. It was interesting to me because at my job over this past summer, I worked closely with people in the marketing department and one of their titles was the Manager of Marketing, Promotions and New Media. Her primary role was to control the content of our website, Facebook and Twitter, as well as coordinating the Facebook and Twitter of our branches. Before this, I knew that some corporations were utilizing social and new media. It was not until this point that I realized the extent of it and that social and new media sites have the potential to make or break a company. Kevin focusing his blog on this is smart and I'm sure very educational for what he will encounter in his future public relations profession. I really liked his blog for many reasons. First, he connected his topic to Quinnipiac and that automatically makes his blog relevant to not only PR students or Communications students, but our whole campus community. He also commented on other students' blogs and how their topics use social media for public relations. Social media, I found out from reading Kevin's blog, can be useful for every kind of public relations. I will definitely be paying attention to his blog in the future.
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